Challenges Faced While Framing Mobile E-Learning Course Content

Mobile learning Dynamic Pixel

In today’s e-learning industry, mobile learning has built a notable presence. It is defined as a form of learning which takes place through portable devices such as laptops, tablets. MP3 players, and specifically smartphones. Such a form of learning vests in itself immense power to change the way we learn. In 2018 analysis of the Modern Learner, it has been disclosed that 96% of learners now turn to their phone and search in moments of need, checking their phones up to 10 times an hour.

Do you know mobile-friendly courses have higher completion and participation rates? However, its effectiveness and flexibility entirely depend upon the way it is designed and structured. Mobile learning content developers have to confront a multitude of challenges while framing the content. But, that doesn’t mean they should feel discouraged and set back. There is always some solution to overcome the challenges.

Here we will share some top challenges that you might face while developing mobile e-learning courses. Also, we will be discussing proven ways to conquer them.

Mobile learning Dynamic Pixel

Limited Screen Size 

It is very well known that mobile devices have a smaller screen size as compared to desktops and laptops. Though the screen size varies from device to device, still the screen size is limited. You can’t use the desktop made content on mobile devices. Therefore, this can be a big challenge for developers.

Solution– To make the course content mobile-friendly, you need to reconstruct the existing content and structure it in a way that is easily viewable on various mobile devices.

Content Volume and Size 

To exploit the time of people in a useful manner, you need to keep your mobile learning e-content short and crisp. People don’t have time to stay for hours on one page and consume the entire information. Instead, the precise content will let the busy learners absorb the information in a short span of time.

Solution– Decide the length of content that demands minutes of the learners rather than the hours. Secondly, avoid using heavy size images as this may increase the page loading time.

Font Size 

If you are viewing the desktop content with smaller font size on mobile devices, you may find the content unbearable. It can also make zooming in and out a cumbersome task.

Solution– Therefore, while designing the mobile-friendly content, make sure to use a larger font size. It negates the need of the user of zooming in and out so that they can effortlessly navigate the read the content.

Connectivity Issues

Learners may lack the 24×7 availability of high-speed internet on their mobile devices. Such a situation is largely faced while traveling or in outskirts where the mobile internet is slow or non-existent. What if they have to access the content right then?

Solution– To get over this problem, the content developers need to design offline mobile e-learning content that can be accessed anytime and anywhere.

Data Security 

When mobile learning is incorporated in the organizations for training the employees, this may increase the chances of loss of confidential data and security threats. Training programs which encompass the company’s information might get leaked to the outside world through mobile devices.

Solution– Having mobile internet security protocols such as pre-installed anti-virus software can prevent data theft.

Wrapping Up 

The trend of mobile learning is growing by leaps and bounds. Despite the challenges, it is still an effective and efficient way of learning at the learner’s pace. You have to just make sure that it is designed keeping the requirements of mobile devices in mind. The font size, volume of content, media format, etc. should be given due consideration.

Dynamic Pixel Multimedia Solutions is equipped with a professional team that design mobile learning content in such a way that it motivates learners to engage in training beyond the confines of their offices and homes.

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