E-Learning as an Excellent Training Tool


Currently, a plethora of e-learning tools has allowed professionals of Learning and Development rely less on repeated classroom training. Instead of addressing a class room full of employees, the curriculum can be presented by trainers through interactive learning and audio-video presentations.

With e-learning based training, learning and development professionals have ensured that employees can source learning modules they need, anytime and anywhere. The latest developments in this industry are mobile learning and game based learning.

The following are the areas for using e-learning for success in training and development:

  • Orientation for new recruits: This is a common feature of most organizations. Every firm has its own new hire training program to train new recruits. The trainers use different methods like online, on-the-job, traditional class room, simulation based, onsite etc. Apart from the common on-boarding training provided to all recruits, every department needs to impart skills like new tools and technique which are vital for best performance of new employees.


  • Learning paths: These help employees know which courses to take and in what order so as to target specific goals. The e-learning methods can be used with Learning Management Systems to fashion a learning path for employees. All employees must have their own learning paths for achieving maximum professional growth.
  • Towards blended training: In recent times, training professionals has been recommended to convert existing materials for training into modules for e-learning. This conversion benefits all by making training cost effective and enabling learners to move at their individual pace.
  • Online training inside the organization: The tools for making e-learning courses must be extended to Subject Matter Experts within each department. This way, trainers can deputize the development of training material to colleagues within the organization.
  • Capturing knowledge: Employee turnover is a night mare for all organizations. This is because when someone exits, he takes his knowledge with him. Firms must try to document knowledge of employees intending to leave the organization by which the workflow of the team can be maintained. A knowledge base for future and current employees can be created.

This is how corporate trainers are benefitting from e-learning methods. For detailed use of e-learning, one can rely on e-learning company India. It will help by giving insights into developing e-learning modules for corporate training.

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