E-Learning For Hospitality Sector

e learning hospitality

Employees in the service sector receive a morale boost and avoid drudgery of daily work by undergoing innovations in training mode.

 The modern hospitality  business is all about the competence of employees. Modern customers demand high levels of service. Employees must be on the top to effect development and survival of a hospitality establishment. Hence this sector requires extensive staff training. E learning hospitality is one solution.

Staff training raises productivity by developing skills, professional knowledge and broad outlook of employees. Such training for employees also inspires and motivates employees by providing information and making them aware of the importance of their role in the organization . Hence top hotels always include training of staff as per their strategy of development.

Training  conducted in this industry needs various types of learning events. These include, process training, certification programs and apprentice training etc. A lot of training occurs on the job, which is time consuming. It affects productivity as more employees have to assume the role of trainers.

Employees take time to practice and master skills. This reduces their productivity. Adopting e-learning or online learning, training can be delivered whenever, wherever and at individual pace. It is a more efficient type of training and provides more chances to learn by trial and error.

Hospitality is a highly competitive industry. Since new players emerge daily- employees have to be inspired to do their best. As part of e-learning, training in soft skills is vital for hospitality employees. E-learning faces the challenge of making training appealing to an already tired workforce, particularly those bearing lot of information.

 E-learning is important as tourists and customers of this sector belong to different cultures . Hence employees must be aware of the cultural nuances of  various geographic areas. Training must also be designed as focusing on the daily operations of the establishment. E-learning over comes the challenge of assembling employees for training sessions. Another challenge in training is the high rate of attrition and  there is a constant need to train new recruits.

Some aspects about e-learning:

  • Cultural awareness: The e-learning course must help employees understand the ethnic , geographical and cultural background of tourists and other customers. This is to cater to their satisfaction.
  • Guest handling: training covers sensitive issues like serving alcohol to clients. Such issues demand change in attitude and not, behaviour.
  • Handling of food: E-learning course covers all topics for handling food including food safety.
  • Software training: Employees can be trained to handle various software to improve the quality of service.
  • Dreary subjects like housekeeping can be made fun and interesting.
  • On-boarding programs for new recruits are particularly useful.

This is the importance of e learning hospitality in use in the hospitality sector.

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