E Learning: An Overview of Online Learning at Organizational Level


As gradually the proportion of tech-savvy population increases in the work force, there is a huge and commensurate amount of dependence on e-learning tools and companies. At a time when change is fast and desirable, e-learning has a much faster delivery than the usual classroom – based learning. Not only that, e-learning also boasts of a number of other advantages that is making more and more people choose it. E-learning is transforming the entire landscape of knowledge, learning and development.

Lower costs of E Learning have made itself primary resource for an organization

Because of the ease as well as the speed in which the entire process is delivered, the rates charged by e learning companies are much, much reduced compared to traditional classroom – based learning. E-learning also improves the profitability of an organization. There are immediate as well as long – term advantages financially, from e-learning.


E Learning promotes learning that is more effective

E learning courses actually have direct and positive impacts on the profitability of an organization, as it makes information easy to learn and digest. Learners have benefited in these ways from e-learning:

  • Increasing the number of students who actually pass exams.
  • Ensuring greater ability and skills to apply the earned knowledge
  • Bringing a better attitude toward the formats of e-learning and in general training
  • Ensuring long – term and better retention of knowledge and information among the learners.
  • Ensuring improved scores on certifications, tests and other exams and evaluations.

E Learning reduces adverse environmental impact

Paper – based traditional classroom learning has been known to contribute to the carbon footprint. E-learning is a great alternative to that and is the perfect effective way in which organizations can significantly help reduce the adverse environmental impact. No extra fuel for travelling or costs for accommodation are required. E learning decreases the need for campus sites, and eliminates the need for paperentirely.

The technological revolution, digitalization, and smartphone boom have successfully triggered phenomenal changes in the way we access information, consume, discuss, as well as share content. This brings about a need and a thirst to learn, a need for more, greater information regarding so many of the new processes and systems that have come into being.

However, what with busy work schedules and so on, the way to learn is primarily in the evenings, or early in the morning, or at weekends and on the way to work and/or back. For such people, e-learning is a very attractive option.


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