E-Learning: A Typological Overview

Learning has evolved drastically since the early ages. We have come a long way from getting our knowledge through ancient scriptures and texts, to having access to a widespread archive of information available on the internet. The invention of the computer and the World Wide Web have helped bridge a gap in the learning curve for a majority of the world. E-Learning, as it is called, is a form of incorporating visuals and animations in traditional subjects to aid in understanding topics better. This is a vague definition, as the umbrella of E-Learning is huge and covers a vast multitude of topics and fields. E-Learning can be described as a sort of learning method that is inclusive of both self-learning and teaching. An easier way to understand would be to typologically divide it and analyze each type individually.

  • Schulmeister’s type A and B: According to Schulmeister (2005) E-Learning can be classed as type A and type B. Type A is based on content that can be made explicit via standardized learning objects and self-learning. Whereas, type B focuses on a high percentage of complex contents, which is based on implicit knowledge acquired through learning communities. The difference between the two arises in its level of interactivity. Type A is more of an internal interaction, and from a psychological point of view, it is not really interactive at all. Whereas, type B is a person-to-person based external learning.
  • Euler and Seufert’s E-Galaxy: In 2004 Euler presented with a conceptual framework to describe various learning environments. It is a four-component framework that allows it to describe various settings in four dimensions. These four fundamentals are social forms of learner interaction, social communication and forms of teaching, types of media and lastly E-Teaching action forms. The combination of these four comes to form a solid learning environment for the youth of today.

India is one of the fastest developing countries in the world. With a population of over 350 million people under the age of 25, the young people far outnumber populations of many countries. An emphasis on educating the youth should be of focus. E-Learning is the way to go, and with so many E-Learning content developing companies in India it is easy to have access to many courses and

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