Gamification – the newest trend in business trainings


Work and play are two very different activities. You can rarely mix the two. But, what if you were given a chance to mix them both? Such a nice feeling right? Playing is associated with fun, excitement and exploration. Well, your work can also be all of these. Thanks to technologies and features like Gamification, today work is made a fun process. Gamification has increased the entertainment levels of office works. It has infused an element of play into the workplace environments.

In the Gamification, game mechanics are used to inspire and motivate the employees to perform better. The concept has gained momentum in the recent years and we can see more and more businesses adapting the technology.


So why is Gamification so popular?

  • It is a very modern generation type of training process which involves use of technologies such as computers, social media, gaming, etc. The tech savvy employees do not find it hard to understand and use the Gamification systems. In fact, they enjoy using this stuff.
  • Gamification helps in prioritizing the necessary information. It ensures that the key learning messages get noticed and unimportant ones are not paid much attention.
  • The office pressure is high. There is very less camaraderie between the co workers. Use of Gamification in the workplace will help in relieving stress and also encourages healthy competition among the colleagues.
  • Employers love autonomy which is one of the key employability skills. Self-managing themselves is not a big task for the employees of today. Gamification will assist the employees towards achieving it. Training experiences, which include games, will give complete control of learning to the employees, encouraging freedom.
  • As the employees love to game, they will also enjoy in participating in the process. The increased engagement assists in building skills. The information learnt through games is understood and retained more efficiently. The employees can put these lessons to practice immediately in their work.

It is said that people spend more than 3 billion hours of a week in playing video games. When people are so interested in playing games, it is high time the corporate world used this for their benefits. Gamification is a wonderful way to create learner-centric solutions that can convey knowledge to the employees through a fun process of discovery. There are number of game based learning companies that offer the most interesting and mind blowing Gamification concepts those suit different types of businesses.

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