How To Ensure Intellectual Growth In Your Organization?


Training and learning are two terms that are inextricably linked together. Though they are a part of the education process, they have different aspects and yield different results. Do you focus on training or learning in your organization? There is a very subtle difference between the two and so it may be difficult to answer. Let’s delve deeper into this concept to help you improve the skill set of your employees. Let us first understand a few facts about training vs learning.

What is Training?

The process of training involves developing a specific skill or learning about a new process or procedure. In the realm of an organization, it may be learning to operate new software, a device, or any equipment for that matter. To be concise, training means to achieve a specific and focused objective and is mostly job-specific. For example, employees working in the Accounts department need training for the accounts-related software while the marketing team needs to learn skills related to sales and are trained accordingly. Training takes place at a fixed time; for example, employees are trained before launching a new product in the market.

What is learning?

Learning is an on-going process. Each day, we gain experience through our daily lives. Learning focuses on the learner rather than the organization. It can be both formal and informal and is quite flexible. Learning leads to the holistic development of an individual and involves active participation of the learner instead of just being on the receiving end of information.

The following example will clarify the difference between training and learning.

Managers in an organization generally undergo training on performance management procedures as per company rules. Their training takes place in a stipulated time, and then, they need to put their knowledge into action.

However, a learning program about emotional intelligence will equip them better to deal with employees at all levels. They will learn new things while dealing with people every day and improve themselves with experience. Besides, the skills that they learn can be applied to other aspects of their job as well, such as while dealing with customers or superiors.

Thus, training is required at the outset to appraise the managers about the company’s procedures but learning about emotional intelligence will help them in their day-to-day working.

Many organizations have already switched their focus from training to learning. The first step towards this is to build a learning culture in the organization. Whether it is a training program or self-paced learning, a learning culture needs to be developed for optimum results. A learning culture involves the active involvement of all stakeholders and focuses on sharing of information rather than hoarding.

Let us look at the pros and cons of training vs self-paced learning.

  • Self-paced learning can take place from different locations and by a large group of people, while instructor-led training is done at a specific place at a given time and requires the physical presence of the students.
  • Self-paced learning gives the much-needed flexibility of learning at your convenience from anywhere. Most of the time, employees have busy schedules and commitments that do not leave them with enough time to attend training sessions. E-learning, however, allows them to learn at their own pace.
  • Practice is a very important aspect of learning a new skill and self-paced learning allows the learner to put the new skills to use simultaneously. It does not happen with instructor-led training, as you are required to complete the training in a stipulated time before putting it into use.
  • Learning management systems are equipped with the latest technology and adequate tools that allow the learners to assess their performance with insightful data presentations and timely notifications that keep them alert at all times. They can effectively control their pace of learning.
  • Learners have access to various modes of learning such as webinars, discussions, polls, podcasts, etc. that keep them engaged. They can define their limits that help instil a feeling of self-confidence, which is reflected in their work too.
  • Pieces of training can prove to be a costly affair as it involves fees for the instructors, arrangements for the venue, and other overhead expenses. Self-paced learning, on the other hand, is highly cost-effective as no such thing is required.
  • Learning styles may vary from person to person. Some people may need extra time to understand the concepts, while others are very fast.  Individuals can adjust their learning pace accordingly.  Those who learn fast do not need to wait for others to finish; they can move further with a new concept.
  • Self-paced learning puts the ownership on the learner rather than the organization. They are motivated to organize their time in such a manner to finish learning in the specified time.
  • Attending training sessions may sometimes be distracting as there are many people in a room. However, people generally sit down to attend an online session at a time when there are no distractions. This way, they can focus on the task at hand.
  • Some permanent content is made available to employees, such as the company policies and other rules and regulations regarding specific matters. These are available to refer to whenever required.
  • Companies can ensure faster adoption of products and policies by providing a self-learning platform that is easily accessible. They can start immediately, and they receive instant feedback for faster improvement.

Wrapping up:

Organizations having a strong learning culture realize that training is more than just imparting information, and success is not achieved merely by completing a set of training as per schedule. Learning is all about the ongoing development of all stakeholders and keeping them engaged. The training imparts knowledge, but learning involves understanding and absorbing it and applying it to our work. Training can rightly be considered as a part of learning. Therefore, when discussing training versus education, the ease of learners should always be kept in mind.

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