What Is the Importance of Learning Management Systems?

A Learning Management System (LMS) is a software or online system that is designed to plan, assess, and execute a particular process of learning. Simply put, it refers to software utilized in e-learning programs which provide help in documentation, administration, recording and tracking.

LMS is used to achieve online collaboration using the net. It is used by colleges and institutions to provide online learning. Corporate organizations use it for training employees and other stakeholders as well as to maintain employee records.

An LMS is today a one stop solution for assigning, hosting, evaluating, managing and reporting E-learning courses. It can be created by seeking the help of e learning companies.


Here a few benefits of LMS:

  • It helps in managing courses, users, instructors, roles, and generation of reports.
  • It helps in creating course calendars: LMS users can consult calendars and ascertain training programs at a glance. Hence, they can register for courses they desire very easily.
  • It helps to message and notify learners. Notifications on upcoming deadlines and training events can be communicated easily. More registrations can be attracted by such messages and notifications.
  • It aids in the pre/ post testing of learners via assessments. You can conduct diagnostic tests to assess the knowledge/ skill level of learners so that suitable courses can be assigned to them. You can also upload assessments which can be used as follow –up for training programs.
  • Competency management: One can manage and track skills and knowledge of employees and judge them vis- a- vis business goals. Skill gap analysis can be performed and learning solutions can be advised by LMS to rectify gaps in skills in the organization. A bonus is that it is cost effective and timely.
  • Instructor led management of courses: LMS is efficient and time saving because it has a centralized, single tracking system.
  • Reporting and tracking: LMS provides an extensive range of custom and standard summaries as well as detailed reports. This enables learners to check his final test scores, average test scores, report of company log-in, single user report, summary of tests etc.
  • Helps in administration: LMS helps in getting approval for enrollment, batch and individual registration, prerequisites for registration etc.
  • It provides ready access to training content: employees can access training content instantaneously and as per their convenience.
  • It reduces time lag for training new employees: You do not require a group to train employees. Every single new employee can be integrated into the company when they join.Thus, no time is wasted and employee will cater to the needs of the organization as soon as possible.
  • Helps in new product training: Details about new products can be updated for the sake of employees, simultaneously, all around the world.
  • More and more employees can be trained cost effectively. Over some time, the delivery cost of every course is reduced dramatically.

E-learning companies in India will provide assistance to set up an LMS in your organization. Your company will benefit a great deal by setting up an LMS.

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