Importance of Learn, Unlearn and Relearn Cycle

learn, unlearn, and relearn cycle

Have you ever thought about learning something new only to forget it later? Have you ever tried to solve a problem only to realize there was another way to go about it? This happens because our brains take shortcuts to save time and energy. What should we do then? Should we ignore these shortcuts? Or should we embrace them? In this article, I am going to share the learn, unlearn and relearn cycle with you. Let me introduce the concept to you now.

The learn, unlearn, and relearn cycle is a mindset that encourages us to improve ourselves constantly. If we apply this approach to our life, we’ll see better results in the long run. 

This cycle involves three phases: Learn, Unlearn, and Relearn. First, you learn something new. Then, you unlearn things that are not relevant in the present time. Finally, you relearn things to achieve success. Once you become aware of this cycle, you’ll notice that we face challenges that require us to change our thinking every day. 

What is meant by learn, unlearn, and relearn cycle?

You should be aware of what to give up. Unlearning is the willingness to give up whatever isn’t longer relevant or beneficial. As we grow, the world changes. We ought to unlearn what really is preventing us from moving forward and instead relearn what will enable us to do so. In fact, some would say that every time you learn something new, you also unlearn something. Therefore, many times you learn to unlearn

Using this theory, psychologists believe that people are able to identify and change habits that aren’t serving them well.

What do you infer by learning? 

Learning can occur through both formal education and unofficial instruction. While informal learning occurs when someone shows us something by doing it, formal education involves classes and reading books. In both instances, we gain knowledge from those who have already mastered the subject. Even if we don’t fully understand what they say, we gather the information that advances us.

Understanding the concept behind unlearning? 

Although the concept of unlearning may seem strange initially, it isn’t as frightening as it seems. Unlearning only entails streamlining concepts or discarding knowledge with a valid reason to clear up a widespread misunderstanding. So, what is unlearning? Instead, unlearning enables you to make space for newer, more pertinent knowledge. Unlearning can also imply changing your views, values, and perspective to be more accepting, welcoming, and diverse when new knowledge or a different viewpoint is offered. 

How to unlearn? 

Unlearning happens at all life stages, whether during childhood or later in adulthood. Have you ever had to learn something that you once thought was true? What required you to modify your mind?

Unlearning is essential to growth, development, and success in every aspect of our lives. There is no better example of this than our educational system. In recent decades, schools have become less focused on teaching students knowledge and more on instilling values such as obedience and conformity. Students are required to memorize facts instead of developing critical thinking skills. This has resulted in young adults struggling to adapt to new technologies and social media platforms. If you want to get ahead in today’s competitive job market, you need to rethink old ways of learning.

Now, let’s understand the relearn meaning in detail. 


Relearning is identical to unlearning, except that we create new, healthy behaviors to replace our old ones. We employ similar knowledge and understanding but utilize it uniquely when we re-learn anything. For instance, even if you were brilliant at arithmetic in the past, you might now find yourself approaching problems in a new way.

You can also re-learn something you already know. For example, if you have learned a language, then you can re-learn another language using your existing knowledge. This way, you will develop skill sets without starting from scratch.

The connection between unlearning and relearning 

Unlearn and relearn process involves- 

  • A readiness to take up the challenge
  • Tenacity in the hardest of times
  • The impulse to be the “better version of you.”

Unlearning and relearning come in many forms. Giving up outdated knowledge is relatively simple, but bad habits and actions are considerably more difficult. For instance, if you want to eradicate bad eating habits, you’ll need to follow the relearn Cycle. It teaches you how to change your lifestyle and gives your body time to adapt to these changes. 

How to incorporate the concept of learning, unlearning, and relearning in the organization? 

Problems can occur when applying the learn, unlearn, relearn cycle in the organization. Many people are accustomed to doing things a certain way, while others might find unlearning difficult or daunting. Relearning might be equally challenging. It seems a lot of us are averse to change. 

Encouraging team members to accept the cycle of learning, unlearn, and relearn requires two factors.

  1. Clearly resolve the “why” query of the learners

Expect considerable criticism if you enter a room and declare, “Forget whatever you believed you understood about a topic say “X”.” Instead, it’s essential to explain the learn, unlearn, and relearn cycle to team members and, more significantly, how it will help them. Refuting any prevalent misconceptions that may emerge when doing this is crucial. Unlearning, for instance, entails willfully erasing knowledge.

Stress the need for constant unlearning and relearning to keep up with the evolving environment. It can aid in getting people to consider the abilities or behaviors they recently had to relearn so they can connect this cycle to their own experiences. If you want to avoid resistance to change, make sure that everyone on your team understands the advantages of unlearn to learn and is encouraged to periodically assess their abilities to make sure they are ready for the future. 

2. Offer tools and assistance to encourage unlearning and relearning.

It’s crucial to offer the right resources to encourage this learning once team members have overcome the initial challenge of understanding why learning and unlearning are necessary. This entails providing team members with pertinent, current learning opportunities and fostering an environment that values continual learning. The learn, relearn, and unlearn cycle should be promoted by managers and leaders, who should also offer support as needed during this process.

Importance of embracing learning, unlearning, and relearning cycle 

  • This cycle enables us to broaden our perspectives and think creatively. By broadening our horizons, we expose ourselves to options and possibilities.
  • It permits us to acquire knowledge and skills that support our achievement. As we expand, we will keep making progress toward reaching our objectives. It gives us insightful advice on handling difficulties and roadblocks along the path. It keeps us current and smart. Age brings maturity and knowledge. But if we don’t learn, we will always be children.
  • It strengthens communication abilities. One aspect in which most people need help is communication. With strong communication abilities, we can effectively work together in teams, manage the project, negotiate transactions, convince clients, influence people, etc.
  • Gaining skills and reskilling can provide individuals with the ability to locate their place in evolving workplaces. As older jobs are lost or modified, learning new skills enables people to perform new tasks. For instance, phone receptionists can be obsolete thanks to an automated system. However, retrieval may enable receptionists to move to different positions within their businesses and keep their jobs.

How to adopt learn, unlearn, and relearn cycle? 

Here are some actions you can do to adopt the cycle of achievement that involves learning, unlearning, and then relearning:

  • Investigate the concept of unlearning and relearning. 
  • In order to gain new insights into your actions, ask for feedback.
  • Remember to keep up with the information that is pertinent to your success.
  • Recheck your abilities and ensure they are in accordance with future goals. 
  • Examine the growth mindset concept. 
  • Choose a mentor who will encourage and push you.
  • To increase self-awareness, use techniques for self-evaluation.

People must use strategy when determining what to learn, unlearn, and relearn. Their decisions should be aligned with objectives like professional or personal development. A person can obtain essential clues about what valuable skills they have to learn, which communication techniques they really have to unlearn, and which techniques they do have to relearn by keeping up with shifting trends in their business, for instance.

Always remember to cycle between learning, unlearning, and relearning to succeed.

The Bottom Line 

The learning, unlearn, and relearn cycle is a simple and effective method for increasing productivity and effectiveness. Applying this concept can increase your creativity, boost your confidence levels, reduce stress, and improve overall performance at work. 

Learning can be fun or boring, depending on your mood. If you’re bored with something, try other ways to learn instead. This might involve watching a video tutorial or reading a related book. 

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