What Is Learning Management System?


Learning Management System is a globally recognized term for a computer system, developed specifically for implementing online course, distributing materials for courses and permitting synergy between learners and trainers.

 An LMS helps one handle all aspects of an e-learning course from registration of trainees, storing results of tests, getting access to assignments online and keeping tabs on learners. In the corporate scenario, LMS can be used to do monitoring of staff and keep records of staff and training.

LMS is built on several platforms such as Java, PHP or .Net, and they will be connected to data base like MySQL or SQL server. There are different types of LMS like open source or commercial.  A good LMS will work well over the long term and can access information which might otherwise be impossible to gather.

Here are some common features of an LMS:

  • GUI: Graphical User Interface is present which allows customization of the learning platform. It has both aesthetic and functional qualities.


  • Customization: A variety of ways to customize the system like multiple language options so that you get a system suiting your needs is possible.
  • Employee details: details of learner like registration, training undergone and evaluation of skills learnt all can be monitored.
  • Virtual classroom: Training can be provided using online courses. Virtual classroom sessions can be scheduled early enough. They can be integrated with online calendar tools.
  • Social networking: Ideas and information can be shared by clicking a button using Twitter or Facebook and other such social networking sites.
  • Easy communication: Information can be share instantaneously and automatically with learners including any change in training material or adaptation to needs of learner. News about an upcoming training session can be notified to employees.
  • Pathways of course: Details of course along with a specified pathway may be determined for all learners so that it allows a flexible flow of work.
  • Reports: All good LMS have an efficient reporting system which can be accessed to create reports such as Excel documents or graphical reports of data which make them easy to understand.

These are some of the features of an LMS. Content development companies in India will help create good LMS for corporate. They will provide all the benefits of a good LMS.

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