The new trends in eLearning for 2018

E-learning hospitality management

2017 is almost over. It won’t be long since we will be counting down seconds for the New Year. 2018 looks promising for e-learning as expected. As the New Year arrives, new technology is taking shape to enhance the performance of companies. Mobile learning is still the best way of training employees for businesses. E-learning has added to its concept many new stuff that are interesting and efficient like Online instructor led training.

One thing that you must know is all strategies are not ground breaking or efficient. Sometimes, you may come across an e-learning trend and find it good. After investing a lot, you will realize that it is not worth the effort. So, in order to save your money and time, you must know that not all gimmicks will work. Sieve through them and find the genuine trend to avoid expensive investments that may not yield good results. Be open to innovative ideas, but do be cautious.

Here are some new eLearning trends that you must know for the New Year –

Content curation –

No matter how many years pass, content is always going to remain the king. Good quality custom content still is important. In this fast world, with less time and resources, you cannot create everything on your own. But certain standardized subjects like regulatory training andoverall professional skills are the basic necessities. Certain tools can also be used to curate information. Creation of specialist learning solutions which is especially designed for your business is necessary. For this, you can review the learning content and identify the areas that need changes.

Social learning –

Like the last few years, 2018 is also going to be all about social platforms. The in-house social networks are also a rage these days. They are the fastest-growing tools to help the employees learn better. There is a great exchange of knowledge and skills through social learning. The social platforms are learning platforms that are user friendly. The only hitch is that you must be aware that it is only professional knowledge sharing and does not become personal social media sharing. When the company is very clear about what it expects from the social learning platform, there will be no issues.

Micro-learning –

It is the age of everything crisp and short. So, e-learning should also be the same. Effective learning transfer that takes less time is what everyone seeks. Designing learning processes that are easy to consume within short periods of time confirmvalued performance support. Micro-learning is short, efficient and to the point. They are also memorable and easy to learn. Micro learning is a bridge between formal and informal learning. When personalised, it has greater impact on the employees.

The digital world is moving faster than the actual world. You must be prepared for the New Year and embrace the new trends in eLearning. Whether it is E-learning hospitality management, or any other field, Look forward for these trends and be prepared for the good changes that the technology is bringing to your business. Try and make use of technology to enhance your business.

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