Self-directed learning – the new concept of eLearning

e- Learning hospitality management

If there is one thing that the new generation sticks to, it’s their opinions and their thoughts. They are not going to change their attitude very easily. When their mind is made up of something, they will stick to their opinions about it. It is quite a task to train these youngsters to develop your business. Class room methods to train the staff is no longer useful because they will not be listening. E-learning is indeed a boon to the companies who want to train up their staff in a short period of time efficiently. And the newest version of e-learning is the self-directed learning.

In this method, the employees train themselves through a set of study materials that they can access through technology. This is a very convenient method of training owing to the less hassles and efficiency. Companies too are opting for the method because they canhave controlon the learning process, yet make the employees feel independent. Self-directed learning is also a way of reducing, costs, efforts and time required for unnecessary training.

Whether it is the e- Learning hospitality management, or any other field, self-directed learning is preferred due to its various benefits.

Some features of self-directed learning –

  • Individual and appropriate learning goals can be set up personally by the employees. Each one learns in a different speed and there will be no pressure of catching up.
  • The time of training can be managed by the individuals. The employees can create their own schedules and follow them.
  • The employees can seek the required resources to support their learning. This will enable them to know what new avenues can be taken in order to get supplementary material.
  • It is also a way of letting your employees to access themselves. Self-assessment is important for the employees to grow and perform better.
  • Gaining expertise in any field is possible only when the person understands the concept by himself and it is a very rewarding feeling. Expertise can be achieved through self-directed learning.
  • With proper feedback from time to time, the self-learners will become experts in their field. The feedbacks will enable them to assess their learning process and expertise.
  • The cost of self-directed learning through e-learning is very low compared to other methods. This will save so much time, money and resources for the company.
  • The freedom of independent learning is a boost to many youngsters who hate being instructed.
  • Self-directed learning can also be competent when all the employees take it up at the same time. It is not that there is no competency, but the level of competency may be low and healthy.

The company should provide a good learning management software to help the employees in the e-learning process. e- Learning for IT industry is common, but self- directed learning is a new concept.

Self- directed learning impacts each employee individually. The effects of the training can be seen differently in different trainees. It will help the employees to gain self-directed learning skills that will last longer. Over all, the self-leaning sessions will have long-term value to the individual employees as well the business.

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