Selling Skills E Learning course

selling skillsAn Introduction to Selling Skills

Top performing organizations are always in search for able employees are who highly motivated in marketing their services or products. Businesses will hire only those individuals as salespersons who display certain characteristics and traits necessary for making a sale. The true growth of an organization lies in the sale of the products or services to the target customers. And the majority of the job is done by the sales personnel.

Selling involves a lot of intricate tactics that help in influencing, convincing, and negotiating with people. It is definitely not something one can learn without training. Some of the talented ones may be gifted. However, those who are not natural also have hope. By taking up a micro-learning course to learn selling skills, will go a long way in teaching the main elements involved in making sales pitches. Using these strategies or techniques, you can bend the situation inyour favour. Regardless of working under the sales team, you will be highly benefitted by taking up a course in selling skills. Not only you get your job done effectively but also improve your relationship with customers significantly.

Course Content

  • Using various kinds of selling techniques for achieving the desired results.
  • Improving the overall relationship with your clients.

Course Duration

7 to 10 minutes

Target Audience

  • Best suited for employees of a sales centre, such as staff members and operational level managers
  • Age group – 19 to 35 years

Available in:

  • Video

Delivered Via:

  • Intranet
  • Internet

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