Use Of E-Learning for Automobile Industry

Firms in most industries end eavour to provide innovative modalities for training employees which inspires, educates, and builds them up. For this, e-learning has been arranging impact ful and innovative learning for the corporate sector since the last decade. Using the support of technology, e-learning has been powered to create programs of training for various learning needs and an assortment of individuals.

The role of e-learning in training employees for automobile industry is important. This is because the automobile sector faces the following challenges:

  • The most crucial challenge faced for training is the large number of trainees, most of them who are spread widely info geographic terms. It is expensive and consuming to train wide spread of employees.
  • The target profile of learner is also very diverse from office managers to workers of manufacturing plants. A single learning goal is difficult because of divergent objectives of learning for the sake of employees with different aptitudes and education.
  • The content of training is also different- most of it is needs practical experience, which is gained best on the floors of the factory.


How can e-learning help in solving these challenges:

  • E-learning can be used to train employees far and wide. Content can be delivered either online or via CD’s. If internet connection is poor, courses can be downloaded after which you can read them offline. Without expending any further human effort, a Learning Management System (LMS) can be set up to train employees, which can be accessed anytime, anywhere.
  • Because of the diverse profile of the audience, e-learning can create modules that suit the need of the learners. For instance, white collar workers can be educated about the goals and objectives of the firm, but for blue collar workers, the content can be delivered using audio-visual components.
  • Managers of some firms may face logistical problems of touring the work floors of the factory. A virtual tour of the factory can be completed wherever the manager is located, in home or office. This is a convenient and safe way of picking up the details of the firm, saving money, time, and effort. A virtual tour can be taken at any time like even after a real visit. Any time, it is required, a tour of the factory can be refreshed.
  • Employees of automobile industry need to be trained in two types of content- soft skills training and product and process training. E-learning automobile engineering is content to be delivered to technical personnel. Soft skills are needed for sales and customer staff.

These are some of the ways in which e-learning is useful for training in automobile industry.

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