Use Of Performance Support To Enhance Online Training For Sales Team

instructor LED classroom

Online tools of performance support offer sales employees with information they require when they require it most. No matter what they are doing- from a meeting with an overseas  client or working on the sales floor- they have access to online training for sales team which is very helpful.

Sales team of today is not trained like with traditional instructor led classroom training. Most companies use online training. Here are top performance support tips for your sales cadre:

Identify Performance Issues

Every member of your sales team faces unique skill or performance issues which they have to address. So the first task is to pin-point such issues. These gaps will make you aware which online training actions they need and where to access such training. For instance, will it be on a mobile phone before meeting client or on the sales floor with POS terminals?  This will help you customize online training content and the way in which it is deployed.

Create Micro-Learning Resources

Moment of need information is provided by tools of performance support, so the latter must be readily accessible. Also, they need to provide information in bite-sized bits. Micro learning videos, online presentations and online tutorials will do for this. Such resources of online training permit sales people to focus on targeted tasks which can improve the bottom line. For example they can always refer to online tutorial about product when they need.

Use Simulations

Information can be put into context with real world activities like simulations provided by online training and branching scenarios. Simulations can provide valuable experience to sales people without the risks of the real world. Instead of reading about various issues, they can undergo the situation in an almost realistic manner. Online training modules that mimic real life exposes sales force to their real work responsibilities.

Give Online Tools Of Training That Are Targeted

Targeted information must be provided to sales employees such that they can resume their work day. Like, when a customer is waiting, the sales person does not have time to attend a training session of a half-hour. So you must provide sales force with targeted tools of online training which cover particular topics and tasks. For example, you can provide trainee sales person with a 3 minute video on negotiation skills created by online instructor led training team. They can refresh their memory any time with such a video. These are some aspects about training of sales team using tools of customer support.

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