animation company

 The backbone of an e-learning course can be provided by story boarding. There are different stakeholders involved in a storyboard- the Subject Matter Experts, the programmers, the graphics team, the Instructional Designers (ID) and also, the clients.

 When a company makes a training video as part of an e-learning program, planning is a crucial step. Among these steps to create an e-learning video is to create a story board.

2d animation company

 A storyboard graphically represents how the video will progress, shot by shot. The storyboard is made up of a series of squares containing pictures or illustrations standing for each shot. Each square also reveals what is going on in every scene and what the script is saying in each shot. Thus, it is a comic book representation of your script. One can assign this job to an animation development company if you don’t have in-house capabilities.

Creating a story board may seem like a superfluous step in creating a video for training by e-learning but in reality, it works out to a crucial step.


  • Share your vision effectively:

Visual representation of ideas makes it very easy to explain and share your ideas about the video to others. Most of us have gone through the experience that we may be trying to explain our ideas, but the audience simply cannot understand. At the core of this problem is the fact that most stakeholders of the e-learning process do not have the necessary experience to visualize something explained by text, like a script.

With a storyboard, you can demonstrate to others how exactly your video is going to proceed and what form it will take at the end. This enables most other people to properly comprehend your idea.

  • Easy production:

  When you storyboard a training video, it is like setting up a plan for production such as the shots required, the sequence in which they will be laid out and how visuals may interrelate with the script. Thus, story board is a suggested thorough line or starting point based on which you can make plans for coverage (like angles to shoot a scene). This become useful when you are creating your training video because this  makes sure that you will not fail to remember any scenes. Also, you can string together the video as per your vision.

  • Saves time:

It may take you some time to put together your storyboard, but it will save time in the long run, especially when you want to make revisions in the script or graphics.  It will not only help explain your vision to your team, it will ensure smooth running of the creation process of the video.

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