The Benefits of Blended Learning Solutions: How to Prepare for the Future of Education?


Today’s classroom sizes are too large to teach much more than two classes at a time successfully. It can cause a domino effect of increased frustration. The student’s falling asleep during lectures and lower grades in many cases. As it stands today, one class of 50 to 60 students can bring the class size up to 100 students and result in around 600 students going through a lecture a day. Any teacher will tell you that the biggest enemy of good teaching is boredom. Providing adequate materials (hard copy and digital) to students and keeping them engaged and learning are critical success factors in education. These factors can easily be achieved by blended learning.

Blended learning involves the use of numerous technology-based platforms that work in conjunction with the traditional classroom model. While the previous generation of blended learning software focused on the core subjects such as math, English language arts, social studies, and science, the current generation of blended learning software is more generalized. Thus blended learning solutions can be broadly defined as a wide range of technologies, best practices, and strategies used by educators to engage students and provide instructional support. Blended learning can take place in the classroom or via self-paced technology.

A blended learning solution typically includes online learning and blended components, consisting of online and/or in-classroom components delivered via a learning management system. The features most people consider a good blend are a flexibility, time management, personalized learning, and the use of numerous forms of digital media. It may come as a surprise to some, but the majority of today’s schools will use some type of digital educational technology in the next five to ten years.

Blended learning offers a rich tapestry of learning opportunities. It’s easy for learners to access their learning materials at their own pace. Further, it allows educators to engage learners across the digital divide that typically exists with traditional classrooms. Blended learning provides students with exposure to real-world experiences, which can often enhance knowledge of a subject. Their simplicity of use is just impeccable. Digital tools are compact and require minimal installation. The effective use of these tools can often go a long way to solving a learning problem. Providing a more personalized learning experience, thus blended learning is beneficial for students who require varying amounts of instruction. Thus below are some of the benefits of blended learning solutions.

Provide Flexibility to Students:

Several studies demonstrate that most of today’s students cannot learn using traditional classroom teaching. This is not to say that traditional teachers cannot teach successfully; however, the use of current learning technology opens up the possibility for much more productive learning environments. Blended learning can enhance flexibility and independence for students. Some studies have suggested that the use of technology in blended learning positively impacts engagement and motivation, with some even suggesting that learning is enhanced. The traditional classroom model has been in place for thousands of years, and it is likely to change shortly.


We all know the buzzwords when it comes to eLearning. Personalization is probably the most popular. According to a paper in the Special Issue on E-Learning in 2009, learners strive to have control over their learning in every phase of the education process. This is also true for video learning (“digital feedback”).” Although most content developers focus on direct interactions with the teacher, students do not want to sit passively. Blended learning is preferred and supports feedback that is appropriate to the individual learner. Students ultimately want to learn a particular topic in-depth, so building video libraries coverage of various topics may seem appealing.

Extended Reach-

Blended learning allows a student to reach their full learning potential by harnessing the power of digital media in more flexible learning environments. Students can get more interaction with their professors and teachers. Furthermore, they can fit in their work around the school schedule. The student can decide how much time they want to put into a task. Also, they can get more efficient energy use. Students can also explore careers that are a good fit for their talents.

Covers All Learning Styles-

Learning can be individualized to each student, and they can progress at their own pace. The best part of this is it promotes a wide variety of learning styles and personalities. It allows students to be a student and not just a subject. The one big negative to the traditional classroom is that students are just a number, a grade, a grade level, a homework assignment, a behaviour note. With blended learning, students can be a student, a student at work, a student at home, a student everywhere! In many blended learning classes, students have a lot of personal choices, they can learn on their own, and just like in the classroom, they can join with other students to do hands-on activities that put them into the mix.

Provide Accessibility to Technology-

Blended learning delivers a learning environment with multiple means of imparting learning to learners of all types. No matter the scenario, a blended learning classroom gives students a range of ways to receive content, interact with one another, view information, perform assessments, do extra-curricular activities, or partake in other activities to stimulate learning.


Learning is more than the act of acquiring information. The interaction between the teacher and students should focus on creating a sustainable relationship based on trust and on mutual respect, support, and agreement that furthers learning. Granted, one of the most important aspects of any blended learning program is the human element.

Currently, blended learning is in its infancy, as is the concept of e-blended learning solutions itself. It is believed that the future is very bright and that blended learning will transform the entire educational system. Blended learning is already being implemented in all walks of life, from the industry to consumer products, and we are now just on the brink of that transformation. Interestingly, the early adopters are not just educators; they are teachers, parents, business leaders, public policy, senior citizens, and more. There is no clear front-runner to date, and this will change as they make further progress. Both the traditional and blended models will co-exist, and the real key to its success is choice.

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